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2021 Showcase

CSHS Chemistry Experiments

Exploding Learning in Chemistry!

College Station High School

Lead teacher: Jeremy Dockan

"Who Passed Gas Laws!"

CSHS teachers will "compress" the boring worksheets and "expand" upon the fascinating chemistry of gas laws. Students in on-level, Advanced and AP Chemistry are fired up about exciting lab experiments as they explore science.

With the new equipment and supplies, students will see, hear and feel the effects of chemical reactions. Chemistry teacher Mr. Dockan says, “I love making chemistry as exciting as possible, and the best way I know to do it is to make loud noises and show the students as many things as possible.” After the exciting “explosion”, students then get to use virtual reality goggles (provided through a previous grant) to visualize the reaction on a molecular level.

The “Who Passed Gas Laws” ;) grant of $5,000 will impact 500 students every year, and was generously sponsored by CHI St. Joseph Health.